Johnson County, Kansas

Spring Livestock Show Series

Join us as we encourage youth engagement in beef, sheep, goat, and swine livestock raising in eastern Kansas 


Pick a Show! 

Pre-register and save on entry fees. Now payable by credit card!

Beef - April 19

Breeding Heifers, Market Calves, Showmanship

Sheep - May 31

Blurb prizes and classes.

Goats - May 31

Blurb prizes and classes.

Swine - June 1

Blurb prizes and classes

Swine - June 1

Blurb prizes and classes

How many entries?

Johnson County has a long tradition of spring livestock shows. This year's should attract approximately 200 youth showing as many as XXX beef calves, goats, lambs, pigs, and bucket calves.

Beef 100%
Lambs 46%
Goats 39%
Swine 15%

Coments or questions?
Call Denise King at (913) 000-0000

Sponsorships Available!

Local businesses, Join us in supporting the annual Johnson County Spring Youth Livestock Show Series

Link here to more information

Beef - April 19

Breeding Heifers, Market Calves, Showmanship

Sheep - May 31

Blurb prizes and classes.

Goats - May 31

Blurb prizes and classes.

Swine - June 1

Blurb prizes and classes

Swine - June 1

Blurb prizes and classes